Mini Project in C School Billing System - mkncprojects


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Saturday 5 May 2018

Mini Project in C School Billing System

Mini Project in C School Billing System

This mini project in C school billing system was developed by me and my friend for project submission during the 1st semester. In this project, you perform billing or accounting operations under two account types: one for the students and one for teachers and staffs.
This project is complete and totally error-free. It utilizes file handling and data structures, and is one of the best C mini projects that will help you understand and learn whatever you need to know about developing small C projects.
School Billing System is a console application without graphic. It is compiled in Code::Blocks with gcc compiler. The source code for this project is over 1000 lines, so I didn’t want to display the source code here. You can directly download the source code plus application file of mini project on school billing system from the link below.

Download Mini Project in C School Billing System with Source Code

Download Mini Project in C School Billing System with Source Code

Features of School Billing System in C:

In this project, you can add, record, modify, search and delete the records of both account types. In addition to that, this mini project in C allows you to display fees, dues, total and advance of students, and salary-related information of teachers and staffs.
For the entry of records, current date and month is asked. Then, you can select the account type, and perform billing operations like I mentioned above. In the add record, the name, class and roll no. of the student is asked, and it is similar for all other functions as well as the teachers account.
Data structures have been used effectively to handle co-related functions and store the record. This school billing system C project comprises the following data structures:
  • struct dat – to store the date (month and day) of entry of records
  • struct student – to store and organize the record of individual students
  • struct teacher – to store and organize the record of individual teachers/staffs
I have used the different functions for performing different billing operations in School Billing System. Listed below are some functions which will give you an outline of the project and help you understand it better.
  • start() – shows the account selection screen
  • chkdat() – for checking date
  • addrec() – for adding records
  • modrec() – for modifying records
  • searchrec() – for searching records
  • delrec() – for deleting records
  • fee() – for recording the fee paid and displaying fine, due, total and advance
  • salary() – for calculating the salary of teachers and staffs
  • ext() – for exiting

Output Screenshots:

Welcome Screen

Select Account Type
School Billing System in C Features

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