Mini-project-in-C-Employee system - mkncprojects


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Friday 18 May 2018

Mini-project-in-C-Employee system

Mini-project-in-C-Employee System

This is a very simple mini project in C Employee Record System. In this project, you can manage employee records – add, list, modify and delete records. Understanding this project will help you learn how to add, view, change and remove data using file handling.
Here, you can list the employees’ record but cannot search it like in other C projects. Try modifying this project, and write your own code to implement the search function. This project is complete and totally error-free.
This project is a console application without graphics compiled in Code::Blocks using GCC compiler.The source code for this project is short, simple and easy to understand.
Running Employee Record management system on other compiler platforms may require modifications to the code, and the current code will show errors. You can directly download the source code plus the application file from the link below.

Download Mini Project in C Employee Record System  with Source Code


Features of Employee Record System:

The main features of this project include basic file handling operations; you will learn how to add, list, modify and delete data to/from file. The source code is relatively short, so thoroughly go through the mini project, and try to analyze how things such as functions, pointers, files, and arrays are implemented.
Currently, listed below are the only features that make up this project, but you can add new features as you like to make this project a better one!
  • Add record
  • List record
  • Modify record
  • Delete record
The functions used in this project are simple and they basically manipulate file handling and data structures. So, I will only describe the gotoxy function used in this project. Try to understand how this functions works as you may want to use it or find it used in many other C mini projects.

Output Screens:

Mini Project in C Employee Record System - Main Menu
Main Menu
Adding Record in Employee Record System

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