Typing Tutor Project in C by MKN - mkncprojects


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Saturday 28 July 2018

Typing Tutor Project in C by MKN

Typing Tutor Project in C by MKN

Typing is the basic command to run a computer and your typing speed plays vital role while working in computer to save time. Here I have presented a Typing Tutor Project in C to measure user’s typing speed and to enhance their typing speed. This is a simple console application written in C programming language, and compiled using GNU GCC compiler on Code::Blocks IDE.
The source code of Typing Tutor Project in C consists of over 600 lines of code which are made user friendly by attaching comments to describe the function of each command. The project source code effectively utilizes the user defined functions and the concept of file handling. You can directly download the application file and source code of this project from the link below.

Download Typing Tutor Project in C  with Source Code

Download Typing Tutor Project in C with Source Code

Typing Tutor Project Abstract:

Functions Used:
The major user defined functions used in the source code of this project are:
  • void loadFiles(void): This function has been used to load .DAT files from the computer which has been stored with the .c file of project. The .DAT files contain the statistics, name of some users etc. of Typing Tutor Project in C. You can change them by editing the .DAT files and the source code of the project.
  • int mainmenu(void): This user defined function has been used to print the main menu of the project.
  • int listUser(void): There are certain predefined user in the project. This function lists name of them which are stored in ulist.DAT file.
  • int userSelectMenu(void): It is for selecting the name of users which are already defined in the source code.
  • void createUser(void): If you don’t like the provided name of user, you can create a new user name too. This task is done using this user defined function.
  • int listLesson(void): In Typing Tutor Project in C, this function has been used to list the name of lessons for testing the typing speed or learning the typing.
  • void beginSession(): This function starts the session or lesson which has been selected by the user.
void viewRecords(void), void about(void), void sortSession(session list[],int n), void addRecord(session cstr, void viewStat(void), void DrawMenu(int opt,char *mi[],int n), void box(int x,int y,int width,int height,int fc,int bc) are some other user defined function in Typing Tutor Project in C. In order to make the source code user friendly, the name of the function simply indicates its use in the project.
  • This project provides certain name as user by default and there a facility to create a new user too. You can enter your name as user.
  • In the project, you can view the total statistics.
  • The record option in the project is for displaying the data of user which has already used the application. you can view typing speed, accuracy etc.
  • If you want to terminate the program without any use, you can select exit option in the main menu.

Output Screens:

Typing Tutor Project in C
Main Menu
Typing Tutor Project in C
Player Statistics
Typing Tutor Project in C

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