Quiz Game Mini Project in C - mkncprojects


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Thursday 3 May 2018

Quiz Game Mini Project in C

Quiz Game Mini Project in C

 This is a complete and error-free Quiz Game Mini Project in C designed as a simple console application. In this project, a number of questions are asked, and the user is awarded cash prize for each correct answer given. (Other similar mini game projects are: snake game, hangman game, pacman game.)
In quiz game, questions are chosen in such a a way that they cover all fields of a typical quiz contest. The user’s general knowledge is tested with quiz questions regarding science, technology, movies, sports, general health, geography and many more.
The source code is to be compiled in Code::Blocks with gcc compiler. This quiz game in Cis not designed to run on the Turbo C versions. The source code for this mini project is around 1000 lines, so I didn’t want to display it here. You can directly download the source code and application file from the link below.
Downloads Quiz Game Mini Project in C with Source Code

Quiz Game in C – Project Introduction:

I have divided this mini project into many functions, and listed below are some of those which may help you understand the project better.
  • edit_score() – adds the current cash prize won to the previous one upon giving the right answer to a question
  • help() – help menu with game summary and rules
  • reset_score() – to reset the highest score/cash prize to default
  • show_record() – shows the highest cash prize won by a particular user
  • show_score() – to view the highest score
In this quiz game mini project, you can store the user name, view the highest score secured by a user, and even reset the score. Additionally, to make the game look a little more interesting, it is divided into two rounds; user must pass the first round to reach the second one.
Of the 2 rounds I mentioned above, the first is called the Warm-up Round; the second is the Challenge round. In the warm-up round, the user is asked a total of three simple questions and they must be able to answer at least two of them correctly to enter the next round. If the user is not capable of doing that, he is not permitted to proceed further.
In the second and more interesting round of this quiz game in C, the user will be asked questions continuously, and for each right answer given, they will earn $100,000!
The game ends when the user’s cash prize piles up to $1 million. For each question asked, there are 4 options, namely A, B, C and D. There are no negative markings, so the user’s accumulated cash money won’t be deducted for wrong answers to the questions.

Output Screenshots:

Welcome Screen of Quiz Game Mini Project in C
Welcome Screen
Questions asked in Quiz Game in C
Correct Answer
Quiz Game Highest Score

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