Mini Project in C Calendar - mkncprojects


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Thursday 10 May 2018

Mini Project in C Calendar

Mini Project in C Calendar

This mini project on Calendar in C programming language is a console application without graphics. To make the calendar look colorful, many windows properties have been used in this project. Besides the color used in backgrounds, the days of the month are white and the vacations (Sundays) are indicated using the red foreground color.
In this mini project, you can find out the day corresponding to a given date and view the days and dates corresponding to a particular month+year. The source code is not that long, over 400 lines. It is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE with GCC compiler.
To help you understand the calendar mini project better, there are lots of comments within the source code. This project is aimed to teach you “how to make Calendar using C”. Click on the link below to directly download the source code along with the executable file.

Download Mini Project in C Calendar  with Source Code


About Calendar in C:

Basically three operations can be done in this calendar application. To find out the day corresponding to a given date, the date, month and year are asked. You can list the days and dates of any month of any year. For example, entering 04 2014 (April 2014) will give you an output as shown in the screenshot in this post.
You can navigate the months using arrow keys, or press ‘n’ and ‘p’ keys to view the next and previous months respectively. The third feature of this C mini project on Calendar application utilizes file handling. With this feature, you can add important notes with corresponding dates.
The functions used in the source code are simple and easy to understand. The ones listed below have been used to produce background with color effects. They are described in the source code with comments.
  • void SetColor(int ForgC)
  • void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC)
  • void SetColorAndBackground(int ForgC, int BackC)
void gotoxy (int x, int y) – You need to understand this function as it is an important one used in this Calendar in C language. You can find this function used in many C projects. This function allows you to print text in any place of screen. Using this function in Code::Blocks requires coding, but it can be directly used in Turbo C. Here is a code for this function in Code::Blocks.

Output Screenshot:

Mini Project in C Calendar - Days and Dates

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