Pharmacy Management System/Project in C++ with MySQL
This C++ program is a pharmacy management system can store the medicine information and create purchase and generate total amount of purchase.
Program Detail:
In the beginning of the program
Global variables used in Pharmacy Management System in C++ with MySQL
- qstate represent the state of the query. If 0 is successful 1 is failed.
- conn is the mysql connection variable.
- row is for getting the current row of the database.
- res is for getting all the values form the database.
Class db_response
- This class contains connection of the database.
- mysql_init is the initializer of mysql_real_connect
- mysql_real_connect connects to the database. (MySql server should open while connecting)
- the if statement shows the successful or failed connection.
Function main Pharmacy Management System in C++ with MySQL
- Here firstly the clear screen command then the title command and the color command.
- db_response::ConnectionFunction() is create the connection to the database.
- The program features
- Buy Medicine
- Show Item List
- Find Item From List
- Add Item in Stock
- Update Stock Item
- Delete Stock Item
- The switch case is used for switching between this functions
- BuyMedicine()
- ShowItemList()
- FindItemFromList()
- AddIteminStock()
- UpdateStockItem()
- DeleteStockItem()
Function BuyMedicine ()
- This function is for the customer in Pharmacy Management System
- If the customer wants to buy medicine the seller can easily make a list of medicine and create a total bill of the medicines.
- Here all the medicine in the list will showing in the console
- Seller can choose medicines more than ones
- Simple “Select” query get all the medicine from the list
- Then after validation of ids the total number of medicine will decrease after all purchase
- And update the database
- As well as show the total amount of purchased medicine
Function ShowItemList ()
- Showing all the items in the database in Pharmacy Management System
- “Select” query will get all the data from the database
- And display in the console
Function FindItemFromList ()
- User can find item from the list in Pharmacy Management System
- Only with few characters of the name of the item the program can find all the similar product
- And display all the information in the console
Function AddIteminStock ()
- User can add new medicine with this function
- “Insert” query is used for add item in the database
- User can fill all the information of the medicine
- Then the information’s are added in the database
Function UpdateStockItem ()
- If the user wants to update any information of the item in the list then this is the function
- “Update” query is used to update the database information.
- User can keep the old data in the database by typing simple keyword “xN”
- Then the database will update the information
- It can validate the given number and show proper message in the console
Function DeleteStockItem ()
- User can delete any item from the database
- “Delete” query is used to delete information
- User simply type the id of the item and delete the item from the database with a message
- It can validate the given number and show proper message in the console
Database and Table Name used in Pharmacy Management System
Table: medicine_tb
Database: cpp_pharmacymanagementsystem
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